Friday, April 15, 2011

Asperger's Syndrome in Teenagers

Teenage years are difficult at the best of times and Asperger's syndrome can complicate matters further. Teens are social by nature and tend to hang around in groups. These groups often have their own dress code and social standards, and may be quite cruel to those on the fringes. Teens with Asperger's can be helped and parents should make every effort to assist them as far as possible. If a child with Asperger's can make one friend and keep them during their teenage years, they will find life becomes a little easier.

Dating is another area that may be problematic to Asperger's teens. Some are simply not interested and others may desire a relationship but are immature and vulnerable. A sound sex education is important and youngsters should be taught about appropriate and inappropriate behaviour before they are allowed to date.

Here are some links to articles that give advice about Asperger's syndrome and teenagers: